Health Care And Rehablitation Services
Re-center Map
112 Fairview st
Stacey Clement

BattleboroVT 05301

Business Hours
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

 Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services investigators protect vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect and exploitation by coordinating with mental health, public health, law enforcement, the probate courts, the aging network, community groups and the general public.

 Children's Protective Services
Our Children's Protective Services (CPS) program is responsible for investigating allegations of child abuse and neglect. Child Protection Laws provides the framework for what CPS must do.

No Description Available

75.00 per session

 Emergency Shelter/ Placement
Provide shelter to women and children who are experiencing DV situations


 Targeted Casemangement
Case Managers assist individuals with identifying their needs and connect them to community based services such as: Supported living, employment transportation utility assistance, assistance with completing applications.