Clovernook Center For the Blind and Visually Impaired
Re-center Map
7000 Hamilton Avenue
CincinnatiOH 45231
 (513) 522-3860
 (513) 728-3946

Business Hours
M-F 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

visual impairment that interferes with daily life activities.

 Blind/Visually Impaired
Promotes independence and fosters the highest quality of life for people with visual impairment through employment and comprehensive rehabilitation services, including training and support for independent living, orientation and mobility instruction, voc

Blind and visually impaired including those with additional disabilities.

Self-pay, some services may qualify in part or full for third party funding

Promotes independence and fosters the highest quality of life for people with visual impairment through employment and comprehensive rehabilitation services, including training and support for independent living, orientation and mobility instruction, voc

Blind and visually impaired including those with additional disabilities.

Self-pay, some services may qualify in part or full for third party funding

 Job Training
Promotes independence and fosters the highest quality of life for people with visual impairment through employment and comprehensive rehabilitation services, including training and support for independent living, orientation and mobility instruction, voc

Blind and visually impaired including those with additional disabilities.

Self-pay, some services may qualify in part or full for third party funding

 Low Vision Clinic
Clinical low vision exam by an optometrist or ophthalmologist with training and follow up by vision rehabilitation staff

Vision problems that interfere with daily activities such as reading, self-help, ability to get around

exam is typically covered by medicare. There may be a charge for low vision devices such as magnifiers or lighting. Finaincial assistance may be available for these items.

 Vision Impairments
Promotes independence and fosters the highest quality of life for people with visual impairment through employment and comprehensive rehabilitation services, including training and support for independent living, orientation and mobility instruction, voc

Blind and visually impaired including those with additional disabilities.

Self-pay, some services may qualify in part or full for third party funding