Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley
Re-center Map
922 West Riverview Avenue
DaytonOH 45402

Business Hours
Pantry open Mon-Fri 9:30am-11:30am. closed first F

Zip Codes served 454-02, 05, 06, 17, 27, 28
You must bring ID for head of household, proof of address, and date of birth for everyone in the household to be served. If you are Homebound, you must send same documents listed along with the signed note requesting service and contact #.
Service every 30 days. Must be able to cook or refrigerate products. Serves incomes below 200% poverty. If the pantry is closed, Call HELP LINK for food assistance and other community services referrals 24 hour #: 211, 1-800-917-3224

 Choice Food Pantry
15 meals (5 days of breakfast, lunch, dinner) for each person in household, as supplies are available, per 30 days

every 30 days

 Choice Food Pantry
One backpack per child in household. Client can receive once every 30 days

Once every 30 days

 Partial Shopping only
items selected by pantry worker on a case by case basis in between 30-day full shopping experience
fresh fruits and vegetables only

fresh produce may be daily but other services require pantry supervisor approval