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Franklin County OJPP Pathways (Females) (PVRT)
373 S. High Street, 25th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
(4.3 miles)
- Absence Pre-Release Groups: Excused
- Absence Pre-Release Groups: Unexcused
- Alvis Apartment Placement End Date
- Alvis Apartment Placement Start Date
- Alvis Apartmnent Placement Extension Request
- Anchor4Hope App Enrollment
- Attend a Recovery Meeting
- Attended Harm Reduction Education Group
- Attended Peer-Led Community Group
- Attended Pre-Release Group
- Attended Pre-Release Group: First Day
- Attended Zoom Small Group
- Boutique Visit
- Bus Pass
- Care Source Fresh Start Housing Program, Hard Linkage
- Case Manager Assigned: Gaylisa
- Case Manager Assigned: Marcia
- Case Manager Assigned: Qiana
- Case Manager Assigned: Wendy
- Client Obtained Birth Certificate via RRC
- Client Obtained Bus Passes via RRC
- Client Obtained Identification via RRC
- Client Obtained JFS Benefits via RRC
- Client Removed from Pre-Release Group
- COAP Assignment
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Client Family Member
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Client Support Contact
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Email
- Contact Attempt, No Response: In-Person Community
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Phone
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Probation Officer
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Social Media
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Text
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Treatment Provider
- Contact Attempt, USPS Letter Sent
- Contact, Successful: Client Family Member
- Contact, Successful: Client Support Contact
- Contact, Successful: Email
- Contact, Successful: In-Person Community
- Contact, Successful: In-Person Office
- Contact, Successful: Phone
- Contact, Successful: Probation Officer
- Contact, Successful: Social Media
- Contact, Successful: Text
- Contact, Successful: Treatment Provider
- Contact, Successful: USPS Letter Received
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of ID
- Copy of Medical Card
- Discharge: Client Completed ARC Program
- Discharge: Client is Deceased
- Discharge: Client not following through with appointments
- Discharge: Client Requests Discharge
- Discharge: Client stopped communicating
- Discharge: Client's Needs Fall Outside of Program Scope
- Discharge: Holder in another jurisdiction
- Discharge: Sentenced to CBCF
- Discharge: Sentenced to Prison
- Donation (Food, Clothing, Furniture, Personals, etc)
- Dress For Success, Hard Linkage
- Education Program, Hard Linkage
- Education Program, Soft Linkage
- Employment Program End Date
- Employment Program, Hard Linkage
- Employment Program, Soft Linkage
- Employment Program, Start Date
- First Post-Release Check-In
- First Post-Release Check-in, Scheduled
- Food Pantry, Hard Linkage
- Food Pantry, Soft Linkage
- Free Store, Hard Linkage
- Free Store, Soft Linkage
- Housing Referral- Alvis Apartment
- Housing Referral- External Partner
- Housing Referral: Pathways Funded Transitional Housing (Non-Alvis)
- Intake Form Completed
- Jail Visit: General Check-In
- Jail Visit: Transition Plan
- Jail Visit: WRNA Risk/Need Assessment
- JFS Application, Approved by JFS
- JFS Application, Completed and Submitted
- Locator Form Completed
- MAT (Buprenorphine), Hard Linkage
- MAT (Buprenorphine), Received
- MAT (Buprenorphine), Soft Linkage
- MAT (Methadone), Hard Linkage
- MAT (Methadone), Received
- MAT (Methadone), Soft Linkage
- MAT (Vivitro)l Pre-Release Injection (Naphcare), Received
- MAT (Vivitrol) Pre-Release Injection (Naphcare), Not Received
- MAT (Vivitrol) Pre-Release Injection (Naphcare), Scheduled
- MAT (Vivitrol) Soft Linkage
- MAT (Vivitrol), Hard Linkage
- MAT (Vivitrol), Received
- Medical Issue, Hard Linkage
- Medical Issue, Soft Linkage
- Mental Health Treatment, Hard Linkage
- Mental Health Treatment, Soft Linkage
- Morbidity and Mortality Review Complete
- Other Resource, Hard Linkage
- Other Resource, Soft Linkage
- Overdose Report
- Pathways Funded Transitional Housing (Non-Alvis) Placement Extension
- Pathways Funded Transitional Housing Placement (Non-Alvis) End Date
- Pathways Funded Transitional Housing Placement (Non-Alvis) Start Date
- Pre-Release Groups Completion Certificate
- Pre-Release Groups Participation Certificate
- Provide Fentanyl Test Strips
- Provide Narcan Kit
- Recovery Management Supportive Services Payment Provided
- Relapse
- Special Pro Social Activity ( Baseball Game, Zoo, etc)
- SUD Treatment, Hard Linkage
- SUD Treatment, Soft Linkage
- Supportive Service Request- Birth Certificate
- Supportive Service Request- ID
- Supportive Service Request- Other
- Supportive Service Request- WalMart
- Transition Plan Part 2 Complete
- Transition Plan Part 2 Update
- Transportation
- Transportation via Rideshare (Uber, Lyft, etc)
- Transportation Waiver Signed
- Weekly Check-In
- WRAP/Wellness Planning Tool Complete
- WRAP/Wellness Planning Tool Meeting
- WRNA Risk/Need Assessment
- WRNA Score Low Risk
- WRNA Score: High Risk
- WRNA Score: Medium Risk
- WRNA Score: Moderate Risk
- YMCA Pass
Franklin County OJPP Pathways (Males) (PVRT)
373 S. High Street, 25th Floor, Columbus, OH 43215
(4.3 miles)
- Absence Pre-Release Group, Excused
- Absence Pre-Release Group, Unexcused
- Absent Group Orientation
- Administered ORAS (High Risk)
- Administered ORAS (Low Risk)
- Administered ORAS (Moderate Risk)
- Administered ORAS (Very High Risk)
- Assisted Client with Obtaining Birth Certificate (Vital Statistics)
- Assisted Client with Obtaining Identification
- Attended Group Orientation
- Attended MAT Coordinator Harm Reduction Presentation
- Attended Post-Release Recovery Management Group
- Attended Pre-Release Group
- Basecamp SUD Treatment, Attended
- Basecamp SUD Treatment, Hard Linkage
- Bus Pass
- Client Obtained Birth Certificate via RRC
- Client Obtained Identification via RRC
- Client Obtained JFS Benefits via RRC
- Client's Case Reopened
- Contact Attempt, USPS Letter Sent
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Client Support Contact
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Email
- Contact Attempt, No Response: In-Person Community
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Phone
- Contact Attempt, No Response: Text
- Contact Attempt, Pro-Visit
- Contact, Succesful: In-Person Community
- Contact, Successful: Email
- Contact, Successful: Client Support Contact
- Contact, Successful: In-Person Office
- Contact, Successful: Phone
- Contact, Successful: Text
- Contact, Successful: USPS Letter Received
- Discharge: Client has a Holder in Another Jurisdiction
- Discharge: Client is Deceased
- Discharge: Client Not Following Through with Appointments
- Discharge: Client Relocated to Other FCCC Facility
- Discharge: Client Requests Discharge
- Discharge: Client Sentenced to CBCF
- Discharge: Client Sentenced to Prison
- Discharge: Client Stopped Communicating
- Discharge: Client Successfully Completed Program
- Discharge: Client's Needs Fall Outside Pathways Scope of Support
- Discharge: Unsuccessful Termination
- Education Program, Hard Linkage
- Education Program, Soft Linkage
- Employment Opportunity, Hard Linkage
- Employment Opportunity, Soft Linkage
- Employment Program, Hard Linkage
- Employment Program, Soft Linkage
- Employment Secured
- First Post-Release Check-In
- Food Pantry, Hard linkage
- Food Pantry, Soft Linkage
- Free Store, Hard Linkage
- Free Store, Soft Linkage
- Housing Referral, Hard Linkage
- Housing Referral, Soft Linkage
- Intake Form Completed
- JFS Application, Approved by JFS
- JFS Application, Completed and Submitted
- MAT (Buprenorphine), Received
- MAT (Methadone), Received
- MAT (Oral Naltrexone), Recieved
- MAT (Oral Vivitrol), Received
- MAT (Sublocade) Pre-Release Injection, Received
- MAT (Sublocade), Received
- MAT (Vivitrol Injection), Received
- MAT (Vivitrol) Pre-Release Injection, Received
- MAT Referral, MAT Coordinator
- Medical Issue, Hard Linkage
- Medical Issue, Soft Linkage
- MH Treatment, Hard Linkage
- MH Treatment, Soft Linkage
- Milestone #1: First post-release meeting with Peer
- Milestone #2: First post-release injection received
- Milestone #3: Meeting with Peer Support after first post-release injection
- Milestone #4: Second post-release injection received
- Milestone Gift Card Provided
- Morbidity and Mortality Review Complete
- Other Resource, Hard Linkage
- Other Resource, Soft Linkage
- Overdose Report
- Participant Removed from Group Prior to Completion
- Participant Successfully Completed Pre-Release Group
- Post-Release Harm Reduction Education
- Pre-Release Harm Reduction Education
- Pro-Visit: Administered ORAS (High Risk)
- Pro-Visit: Administered ORAS (Low Risk)
- Pro-Visit: Administered ORAS (Moderate Risk)
- Pro-Visit: Administered ORAS (Very High Risk)
- Pro-Visit: General Check-in or Follow Up
- Pro-Visit: Transition Plan Part 1 Complete
- Pro-Visit: Transition Plan Part 2 Complete
- Provided Fentanyl Test Strips
- Provided Narcan
- Provided Other Incentives
- Reincarcerated
- Relapse Report
- Released
- Southeast (MH), Referral
- SUD Treatment (External Provider), Attended
- SUD Treatment (External Provider), Hard Linkage
- SUD Treatment (External Provider), Soft Linkage
- Transition Plan Part 1 Complete (Goal Setting: Housing/Referrals)
- Transition Plan Part 2 Complete (Referrals Verified)
- Transportation
- Transportation Waiver Signed